Pasque Brand Vintage Yuma Arizona Cantaloupe Crate Label
Patricia Brand Vintage San Jose Tomato Crate Label
Patricia Brand Vintage San Jose Vegetable Crate Label
Patty Brand Vintage La Jara Colorado Vegetable Crate Label
Pay Brand Vintage Phoenix Arizona Vegetable Crate Label
Pay Dirt Brand Guadalupe California Vegetable Crate Label
Pep Brand Vintage Visalia California Vegetable Crate Label
Perfection Brand Vintage Huron California Cantaloupe Crate Label
Pet Pak Brand Vintage Pahokee Florida Celery Crate Label
Phelan-Fine Brand Vintage Oceano Vegetable Crate Label
Phelan-Fine Brand Vintage Oceano Vegetable Crate Label, s
Pilibos Brand Vintage Imperial Valley Vegetable Crate Label
Piney Woods Brand Vintage Pittsburgh Texas Yam Crate Label
Pinto Brand Vintage Monterey Bay Pkg. Produce Crate Label, s
Pinto Brand Vintage Monterey Bay Pkg. Vegetable Crate Label, L
Piper Brand Vintage Salinas Asparagus Crate Label
Plenti Grand Brand Vintage Watsonville Vegetable Crate Label
Plenti Grand Brand Vintage Watsonville California Cantaloupe Crate Label
Pocket Hit Brand Vintage Saticoy California Tomato Crate Label
Pony Boy Brand Vintage Asparagus Crate Label
Port's Brand Vintage Sunset Louisiana Yam Crate Label
Possum Brand Vintage Leonville Louisiana Yam Crate Label
Potatoes Brand Vintage Painter Virginia Potato Crate Label
Power Brand Vintage Lafayette Louisiana Yam Crate Label
PPE Brand Vintage Painter Virginia Vegetable Crate Label
Precious Brand Vintage Tucson Honeydew Melon Crate Label
Prestige Brand Vintage Pompano Beach Florida Vegetable Crate Label
Pride Of Delray Brand Vintage Fort Lauderdale Florida Tomato Crate Label
Pride of Denver Brand Vintage Colorado Vegetable Crate Label
Pride of Hallandale Brand Vintage Hollywood Florida Tomato Crate Label
Pride Of Ruskin Brand Vintage Florida Vegetable Crate Label
Pride Of The River Brand Vintage Sacramento Delta Asparagus Crate Label
Princess Brand Vintage Lafayette Louisiana Yam Crate Label
Pro Pak Brand Vintage Oceano California Vegetable Crate Label, s
Progress Brand Vintage Lodi Asparagus Crate Label
Punch Brand Vintage Weslaco Texas Vegetable Crate Label
Pure Winner Brand Vintage Sunset Louisiana Yam Crate Label
Purple Sage Brand Vintage Vegetable Crate Label
Queen Brand Vintage Lafayette Louisiana Yam Crate Label
Queen O' The Pod Brand Vintage San Diego Vegetable Crate Label
Queen O' The Pod Brand Vintage Watsonville California Pea Crate Label
R Brand Vintage Winter Garden Florida Vegetable Crate Label
R. V. D. Brand Vintage Ruskin Florida Vegetable Crate Label
Rainbow Brand Vintage Nogales Arizona Tomato Crate Label
Ray-C Brand Vintage Nestor California Vegetable Crate Label
Real West Brand Vintage Nampa Idaho Produce Crate Label
Red Barn Brand Vintage Tomato Crate Label
Red Bill Brand Vintage Celery crate Label